Conch, Cowrie shell, Cowries, Cypraeidae, Gasteropods, Indo 2009, Mollusca, Molluscs, Ovulidae, Ovullid, Phenacovolva sp., Shell, Snail, Spindle cowrie
Allied Cowrie, Allied cowrie shell, Caprelidae, Caprellid, Conch, Cowrie shell, Cowries, Crustaceans, Cypraeidae, Egg cowrie, Gasteropods, Indo 2009, Mollusca, Molluscs, Ovulid, Ovulidae, Phenacovolva sp., Shell, Shrimp, Skeleton shrimp, Snail, Spindle cowrie, Walking stick
Allied Cowrie, Allied cowrie shell, Conch, Cowrie shell, Cowries, Cypraeidae, Egg cowrie, Gasteropods, Indo 2009, Mollusca, Molluscs, Ovulidae, Ovullid, Phenacovolva sp., Shell, Snail
Allied Cowrie, Allied cowrie shell, Conch, Cowrie shell, Cowries, Cypraeidae, Egg cowrie, Gasteropods, Indo 2009, Mollusca, Molluscs, Ovulidae, Ovullid, Phenacovolva sp., Shell, Snail
Conch, Daisy coral, Dendrophyllid corals, Eating, Eggs, Epitonium billeeanum, Feeding, Gasteropods, Hard Coral, Mollusca, Molluscs, Shell, Snail, Tubestraea faulkneri
abstract, Benitiers, Bivalves, Bivalvia, Clam, Clams, Gasteropods, Giant Clam, Mollusca, Molluscs, Shell
abstract, Benitiers, Bivalves, Bivalvia, Clam, Clams, Gasteropods, Giant Clam, Mollusca, Molluscs, Shell
Abstract, Benitiers, Bivalves, Bivalvia, Clam, Clams, Gasteropods, Giant Clam, Mollusca, Molluscs, Shell, Snail
abstract, Benitiers, Bivalves, Bivalvia, Clam, Clams, Gasteropods, Giant Clam, Mollusca, Molluscs, Shell
abstract, Benitiers, Bivalves, Bivalvia, Clam, Clams, Gasteropods, Giant Clam, Mollusca, Molluscs, Shell
Benitiers, Bivalves, Bivalvia, Clams, Conch, Gasteropods, Giant Clam, Mollusca, Molluscs, Shell, Snail
Benitiers, Bivalves, Bivalvia, Clams, Conch, Gasteropods, Giant Clam, Mollusca, Molluscs, Shell, Snail
Benitiers, Bivalves, Bivalvia, Clams, Conch, Gasteropods, Giant Clam, Mollusca, Molluscs, Shell, Snail
Benitiers, Bivalves, Bivalvia, Clams, Gasteropods, Giant Clam, Jetty, Lighthouse, Man-made structure, Metal structure, Mollusca, Molluscs, Pier, Shell, Structure
A1 Indo 2008, art, Bivalvia; Bivalves; Benitiers, Conch, Crustaceans, depth, Derawan, field, Gasteropods, Giant clam, hiding, inner road, meadow, Mollusca, Molluscs, opening, opportunity, Periclimenes tenuipes, Shell, Shrimp, Snail, Tridacna sp, window
A1, A1 2008, A1 Indo 2008, Conch, Derawan, Gasteropods, Harp snail;, Harpa articularis;, Mollusca, Molluscs, Shell, Snail
Benitiers, Bivalves, Bivalvia, Cementary, Clams, Derawan, Empty shells, Environment, Gasteropods, Giant clam, Mollusca, Molluscs, Mooring pole, Shell
Coral, coral reef;, coralreef, Gasteropods, Hard Coral;, Kakaban, Molluscs, Oyster Shell;, Porifera, Reef, Shell, Spondylus varians;, Sponge, Variable Thorny Oyster Shell;
A1 Indo 2008, Bivalvia; Bivalves; Benitiers, Conch, Derawan, diving, frame, Gasteropods, Giant clam, Indonesia, Kalimantan, marine life, Mollusca, Molluscs, nature, opening, opportunity, scuba diving, sea, Shell, Snail, Tridacna sp, tropical marine life, tropical sea, under water, water, window
A1 Indo 2008, Conch, Derawan, eating, feeding, Gasteropods, Mollusca, Molluscs, seagrass, Shell, Snail, Storbus bulla
Ph-Anl-UW-N008Y 080508.jpg
Coleman Shrimp, coralreef, couple, Crustaceans, Echinodermata, Echinoidea, friends, Leutzenia asthenosomae, love, marinelife, mates, parasites, partners, partnership, Periclimenes colemani, Philippines, Sea urchin, Shell, Shrimp
Ph-Anl-UW-N030Y 040508.jpg
coralreef, diving, Gasteropods, marinelife, Molluscs, Philippines, scuba diving, scubadiving, Serpulorbis grandis, Shell, Shells, UW, Worm snail
Ph-Anl-UW-N044Y 060508.jpg
Allied Cowrie, Allied Cowry, coralreef, Cowrie, Cowrie shell, Gasteropods, marinelife, Molluscs, Phenacovolva rosea, Philippines, Shell
A1 Phil 2008, best friends, close, closeness, Coleman Shrimp, coralreef, couple, Crustaceans, eternal love, friends, friendship, Gasteropods, love, Luetzenia asthenosomae, marinelife, mates, Molluscs, Periclimenes colemani, Philippines, romance, Shell, Shrimp, togetherness
A1 Phil 2008, Asthenosoma varium, Coleman Shrimp, Crustaceans, Echinodermata, Echinoidea, Fire Urchin, Luetzenia athenosomae, marinelife, Periclimenes colemani, Philippines, Sea urchin, Shell, Shrimp, snail, Star fish, Starfish
Asthenosoma varium, Coleman Shrimp, Crustaceans, Echinodermata, Echinoidea, Fire Urchin, Luetzenia athenosomae, marinelife, Periclimenes colemani, Philippines, Sea urchin, Shell, Shrimp, snail, Star fish, Starfish
A1 Phil 2008, coralreef, Gasteropods, marinelife, Mollusca, Philippines, Serpulorbis grandis, Shell, Worm snail
A1 Phil 2008, Benitiers, Clams, coralreef, Gasteropods, Giant Clam, marinelife, Mollusca, Philippines, Shell, Tridacna sp.
Ph-Anl-UW-CN004Y 050508.jpg
Coleman Shrimp, coralreef, Crustaceans, Echinodermata, Echinoidea, Leutzenia asthenosomae, marinelife, Periclimenes colemani, Philippines, Sea urchin, Shell, Shrimp, Star fish, Starfish
TH-Lipe-Uw-N-019Y 280108.jpg
Acropora sp., anemone, Benitiers, Bivalve, Clams, Comanthina schlegeli, Comasteridae, Coral, Coral blocks, coral garden, coral reef, coral wall, coralgarden, coralreef, coralwall, Crinoid, Damsel, Damsel fish, Featherstar, fire coral, Fish, Fluted giant clam, Gasteropods, Giant Clam, Hard Coral, Molluscs, Pomacantridae, Shell, shell 08, Shells, Staghorn coral, Tridacna sp. Tridacna squamosa, Variable bushy feather star
TH-Lipe-Uw-N-020Y 010208.jpg
Clams, Coral, coral 08, Coral blocks, coral garden, coral reef, coral wall, coralgarden, coralreef, coralwall, Dendronephthya, dendronephtia, Fish, Gasteropods, Green tree coral, Hard Coral, Honeycomb oyster, Hyotissa hyotis, labridae, Molluscs, Oyster shell, Oysters, Shell, shell 08, Shells, soft coral, Tubastraea micrantha, wrasse
TH-Lipe-Uw-N-004Y 310108.jpg
Coral, coral 08, Coral blocks, coral garden, coral reef, coralgarden, coralreef, Gasteropods, Hard Coral, Oyster shells, Shell, shell 08, Shells
TH-Lipe-Uw-N-007Y 030208.jpg
anemone, Benitiers, Bivalve, Clams, coralreef, Fluted giant clam, Gasteropods, Giant Clam, Molluscs, Shell, shell 08, Shells, Tridacna sp. Tridacna squamosa
TH-Lipe-Uw-N-013Y 230108.jpg
Bivalve, Clams, coralreef, Gasteropods, Molluscs, Oyster shell, Oysters, Shell, shell 08, Shells, Spondylus varians, Variable Thorny Oyster
Coral, Cowrie, Cowrie shell, D 200, Malaysia, MY, Nikon, Perhentian, Shell, Twin, Whip coral
A1 Coral , A1 Coral 07, A1 Nudibranche , A1 Nudibranche 07, Coral, Cowrie, Cowrie shell, D 200, Malaysia, MY, Nikon, Nudibranche, Nudibranches, Perhentian, Petani, Shell, Soft Coral
A1 Cephalopods , A1 Cephalopods 07, Canon, Cephalopods, Malaysia, MY, octopus, Perhentian, Petani, Shell, UW
A1 Cephalopods , A1 Cephalopods 07, Canon, Cephalopods, Malaysia, MY, octopus, Perhentian, Petani, Shell, UW
A1 Cephalopods , A1 Cephalopods 07, Canon, Cephalopods, Malaysia, MY, octopus, Perhentian, Petani, Shell, UW
Alamanda, Bali, blennies, Canon, Clam, Giant clam, gobies, Indonesia, Shell, Small Fish, Tulamben, UW
Bali, blennies, Canon, Clam, Fish, Giant clam, gobies, Indonesia, Seraya, Shell, Small Fish, Tulamben, UW
Bali, blennies, Canon, Clam, Fish, Giant clam, gobies, Indonesia, Seraya, Shell, Small Fish, Tulamben, UW
A1 Coral , A1 Coral 06, Bali, Canon, Coral, Indonesia, Oyster, Seraya, Shell, Tulamben, UFO, UW
Cowrie shell, Dendronephtia, Malaysia, Mullet Deep, Mullet Point, Oly 5050, Perhentian, Shell, Soft Coral
Allied cowrie shell, Best of Perhentian, Cowrie, Cowrie shell, Malaysia, Oly 5050, Perhentian, Shell, Sugar Wreck
Allied cowrie shell, Best of Perhentian, Cowrie, Cowrie shell, Malaysia, Oly 5050, Perhentian, Shell, Sugar Wreck
A1 Mating , A1 Mating 05, Allied cowrie shell, Cowrie, Cowrie shell, Malaysia, Mating, Oly 5050, Perhentian, Shell, Sugar Wreck
A1 Mating , A1 Mating 05, Allied cowrie shell, Cowrie, Cowrie shell, Malaysia, Mating, Oly 5050, Perhentian, Shell, Sugar Wreck
A1 Mating , A1 Mating 05, Allied cowrie shell, Cowrie, Cowrie shell, Malaysia, Mating, Oly 5050, Perhentian, Shell, Sugar Wreck
A1 Coral, A1 Coral 05, Allied cowrie shell, Coral, Cowrie, Cowrie shell, Harp coral, Malaysia, Oly 7070, Perhentian, Shell, Twin Rocks
A1 Coral, A1 Coral 05, Allied cowrie shell, Coral, Cowrie, Cowrie shell, Dendronephtia, Malaysia, Oly 5050, Perhentian, Petani, Shell, Soft Coral
A1 Mating , A1 Mating 05, Cowrie, Cowrie shell, Malaysia, Mating, Oly 5050, Perhentian, Redang, Shell